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Class Of 3T1'2010

We are from BSS
We are hyper ppl
We are either 14 or 15
Hate us you can leave
If you love us scroll on

Tuesday, March 23

Hello (:
So long nvr update this class blog le
New timetable have updated
Shall end here le
Post by Garfong (:

Tuesday, March 9

Hello Everybody :)

Class Blog die-ing le haha...

There is homework for EBS
Pg 3 , Pg 6 , Pg 9 , Pg 16 , Pg 23 (draw out the table) , Pg 28 (do Q2-Q4) , Pg 29 (do Q2-Q5) and Pg 40.

There is spelling for tmr Ebs

1. Hospitality

2. Accommodation

3. Food & Beverage

4. Facilities

5a . Luxury Hotel

5b. name 2 hotel => Four Seasons Hotel & Ritz-Carlton Hotel

6a. Duluxe Hotel

6b. Name 2 hotel => Ochard Hotel & M hotel

7a. Boutique Hotel

7b. Name 2 hotel => Royal Peacock Hotel & SHA Villa

8a. Budget Hotel

8b. Name 2 Hotel => Hotel 81 & Harbour Ville Hotel

9. Concierge

10. Valet